I would like to introduce Nolly and Polly. Nolly being the teddy on the left with the big feather- and Polly on the right. They have been the best of friends since they can remember, and despite living in the same forest, they get get very excited when the time comes to see each other again. Every friday night they meet at their favourite cafe, The Barks and discuss the events of the week just passed over a hot cup of honey.
As an avid blogger, I find that this is the best way to make my thoughts, musings and creative bursts managable to myself and available to whoever may stumble upon them. This particular blog is a collection of my paintings, sketches and doodles. Enjoy.
I'm an Art Student, currently living in France, although I'm Australian but born in Poland and have studied in Canada. I'm inspired by old things, love, tea, philosophy, psychology, writing, trees, mountains, matrioshka dolls, cards, the Vienna Secession, owls and penguin book covers. I can't live without my Moleskine notebooks
I would like to introduce Nolly and Polly. Nolly being the teddy on the left with the big feather- and Polly on the right. They have been the best of friends since they can remember, and despite living in the same forest, they get get very excited when the time comes to see each other again. Every friday night they meet at their favourite cafe, The Barks and discuss the events of the week just passed over a hot cup of honey.